ebrain is the largest global source for web-based training in Clinical Neuroscience.
ebrain is a leading interactive online learning platform designed for professionals in the neurosciences. It is a non-profit initiative of the Joint Neurosciences Council, a registered charity. Launched in 2011, our content has been developed in collaboration with key neuroscience speciality associations including the ABN and SBNS.
Led by Clinical Leads Mr. Nitin Mukerji, Mr. Dan Brown, and Dr. Louise Davidson, ebrain brings together over 700+ contributing clinicians, forming a multi-disciplinary team of expert authors and reviewers from across the neurosciences in the UK and Europe.
ebrain offers over 550 interactive, multimedia-rich lessons across 29 modules, alongside webinars, virtual case reports, annual formative tests in Neurosurgery and Neurology and a question bank. Both trainees and trainers can use ebrain to support continuous professional development across all neuroscience specialties. The Royal College of Physicians have recognised ebrain as a provider of CPD points and our certificates can be added to portfolios as evidence of self-directed Continuing Medical Education.
Coma and Sleep
Core Radiology
Diseases of the Autonomic Nervous System
Haemorrhagic Vascular Disease
Head Injury
Headache and Pain
Hydrocephalus and Cerebrospinal Fluid Pathologies
Ischaemic Vascular Disease
Movement Disorders
Neuroanaesthesia/Neurocritical Care
Neuro-inflammatory Diseases
Neurological Infections
Neuro-rehabilitation and Spinal Injury Rehabilitation
Spinal Trauma
Spinal Tumours
Surgical Principles and Techniques
Transient Loss of Consciousness and Epilepsy
Tumours and Cysts

The Joint Neurosciences Council (JNC) was founded in 1978 and became a charity in 2016, its aim is to promote the interest of clinical neurosciences within the UK.
JNC members are composed of Member Societies and Associations working within clinical neuroscience in the UK. The JNC welcomes applications for membership from Societies and Associations that make a significant contribution to the Clinical Neurosciences.
As well as fostering relationships between its members, the JNC also acts as a forum for joint discussions with health departments in the UK.
Committed to research and postgraduate education in the clinical neurosciences, the JNC runs ebrain. Free to all members of JNC Societies and Associations.
Current officers of the JNC
Patron: The Baroness Greenfield CBE, FRCP (Hon)
President: Mr Riki Trivedi
Secretary: Dr Marcus Bradley
Treasurer: Mr Crispin Wigfield
Trainee Representatives: Maria Gogou and Richard Moon
Joint Neurosciences Council (JNC)
ebrain is wholly owned by the Joint Neurosciences Council, a UK registered charity.
Charities are legally barred from making a profit and all proceeds have to be reinvested in achieving the aims of the charity. No payments are made to authors, reviewers, module editors or clinical leads and there is no commercial sponsorship of this programme. JNC members are not individuals, but it is composed of Member Societies and Associations working in the clinical neurosciences within the UK.

University College London
UCL is a diverse global community of world-class academics, students, industry links, external partners, and alumni. The MSc in Clinical Neurology via distance learning incorporates many of the ebrain learning sessions as part of its core curriculum. Please visit the online prospectus page to apply.

ILAE Academy
The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) is the world's preeminent association of health professionals and scientists working toward a world where no person's life is limited by epilepsy. The ILAE Academy provides a virtual campus where healthcare professionals obtain and increase essential and clinically relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies in the field of epilepsy. The ILAE features 50 ebrain sessions on the topic of epilepsy as part of their Level 1 programme.
Join Our Growing Community
At ebrain, we’re constantly expanding and are eager to include new contributors to our e-learning sessions, virtual patients, and other content. Contributions to ebrain are considered e-publications and should be noted on your CV. If you're interested in contributing or would like to have an informal chat about it, please reach out to us at:
Become a Peer Reviewer
Could you assist with peer reviewing sessions on ebrain? We invite specialists ranging from final-year trainees to seasoned consultants to register as peer reviewers. You will review content pertinent to your field of expertise and, in return, receive complimentary access to all ebrain content.
+44 208 546 2613
Administration: admin@ebrain.net
Content Editor: editor@ebrain.net
Technical Support: support@ebrain.net
Registered Office:
HSA & Co, Lewis House,
Great Chesterford Court, Great Chesterford,
Saffron Walden,
CB10 1PF