
Module Editor: Zhaleh Khaleeli

This module covers aspects of neuro-ophthalmology. It includes diagnostic sessions on visual failure, diplopia, pupillary abnormalities, nystagmus and ptosis. Optic nerve diseases are covered, including sessions on optic neuritis,  ischaemic optic neuropath, optic nerve tumours and toxic and inherited optic nerve diseases. Central, retrochiasmal and chiasmal disorders are considered, as are conditions involving the cavernous sinus and orbit.

Please select a session from the list below.

Available courses

Central Disorders of Saccadic and Pursuit Eye Movements NEW

Optic Nerve Tumours NEW

Heredo-Familial Optic Neuropathies NEW

Chiasmal Disorders

Assessment of Visual Failure

Optic Neuritis


Bibliography Wiki

Assessment of Double Vision

Assessment of Ptosis

Heredo-Familial Optic Neuropathies

Ischaemic Optic Neuropathies

Ocular Myopathies

Ocular Motor Disorders

Orbital and Cavernous Sinus Disorders

Papilloedema and Related Optic Disc Disorders

Pupil Abnormalities

Retinal Disorders in Neurological Disease

Retrochiasmal Disorders

Toxic Nutritional Optic Neuropathy