Diseases of the Autonomic Nervous System 

Module Editor: Amir Divanbeighi Zand

This module focuses on autonomic failure, both primary and secondary and specifically on the neural control of bladder, bowel and sexual function, its causes and its treatment. A separate session is included on autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease.

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Bibliography Wiki

Functional Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System

Neural Control of the Bladder

Neurological Control of Sexual Function

Autonomic Failure Primary and Secondary

Investigation and Management of Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction

Investigation and Management of Neurogenic Sexual Dysfunction

Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction

Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonism Causes of Bladder, Bowel and Sexual Dysfunction

Pelvic Organ Dysfunction Following Cauda Equina Damage

Peripheral Nerve Disorders Causing Bladder Bowel and Sexual Dysfunction